Saturday, July 12, 2008

Tuiton this mornin', Small Party... 2 gurls pissing me offfff!!!!!!!

Tuiton this morning...

ya di ya di ya!

Tuiton sucks, but my teacher rocks, she lent me chinese cinderella, i dont wanna borrow my brothers, cause its like a cheap school copy with a fake cover...

LOL, and as some of u know, i read books with style...STYLE!!!

Lunch, computer, those things...

Went 2 ang mio ko library, borrowed 5 english books! LOL, and 3 chinese, but those were randomly chosen, due 2 its difficult and un-understandable words on the front cover. That would probaly keep my dad satisfied.

Went 2 Mcdonalds after that, the drive through, its rad...Had a green tea mcflurry...and my younger bro and dad shared a small fries.

Came home, i dont know what the hell i did.

I think at about 5, we went around 2 aunty chiew wee's house (is tht how u spell it LOL!, and um, shes my mums really good friend) and had dinner there. Her daughter marissa, um, shes a pain in da butt, and she has friends, sick, ill friends that have a cold..


Well, the younger 1 did, she's called Faith, and dont get me wrong, she is such a sweet girl, but she had this half fever and flu, which freaked me out. Cause i didnt wanna be mentally sick cause tmr we're going to church and sure enough, i haven't been to church in like, 6 mths?

The other 2 were the 2 best friends, googling ovr hannah montana, and maybe its cause Faith's sister (AKA:one of the besties) IS NAMED hannah!

But i was like laughing like nuts in my brain cause they were googling over SEASON 1 episodes, when miley cyrus look terrible and had hairy arms and over did it on the make up! Atleast she finnaly has some sence now, but she still talks as if theres cotton wool or something in her mouth!

And season 1 eps came out like 2 yrs ago, and they dont know what they're missing, i've watched season 2 eps like 6 mths b4 they came out here, so what do u expect?

Another thing is, they were being total SNOBS when we were playing the wii, cause the 2 of them were taking over the TV screen and talking nonsence, and Hannah played like SHIT, and she still thought she played better, when i played tennis with her, she didnt even HIT a single ball! Marrisa is so much better, but a little saw loserish, i beat her in bowling, and tennis like 3 times in a row, and i was constantly playing remathes with the little girl.

These gurls pissed me off so.

And another thing, the things Hannnah Wear, yeah, are ummm (pukey wukey!!) These stupid dinky dresses that R SOOOO loose, the neck line is tumbling down her little girl chest, and she has these ugly fat arms, its a shame we all hafta look at her...

well, atleast i was sensible when i was 5 yrs old....jeez...