Saturday, July 26, 2008

My B'day dinnner...other stuff

Woke up at like 9 2day. tuiton..

ya di ya di ya

then at 3 i had CHINESE tuiton cause i didnt go on thursday

came home, listened to my JB CD...

THEN, we went to my "late" B'DAY DINNNNER, at THIS awesome place called "PepperoniPizza" AWESOME! Went with my cousin Guo Wa and his girlfriend Carrisa, (we're very close, and we all go to movies together, those 2 took me and corey to the maroon 5 concert in march) :D!

So it was me, my bro, my aunt, Guo Wa, Carissa, Ethan and my dad...

The pizza was HUGE!

But it was fairly delicious!

I got this fab drawing pad, purse and pencil case from Guo Wa and Carrisa...

I LOVE MY LIVE! hahahahaha! nah, just kiddin!

I kinda feel like watching bat man again..hmmm...