Monday, September 8, 2008

:D..avril! D:..back from KL. BUT WHO CARES, IT'S AVRI..hah! KIDDIN!

SRY, didnt write in my blog last night, AVRIL CONCERT..yeeep! AHAHA, i was freakin tired. and i couldn't even keep my eyes open...weelllll, NOW I CAN...

That girl, avril, is the BEST live singer in the history of the best live singers...
She was soo amazing, she was also sweet, she played this "game" with us, when she rose her hands up, we all had 2 SCREAM, and if she put her fingers to her lips, we had to keep quiet..IT WAS UNCONTROLLABLE..But alicia gave alessandra the SAME t-shirt avril wore! But she changed after, like 5 songs?
I LOVE AVRIL NOW..ahha, and JB..yes. of course JB..aaahhaa!
we went with sa, arielle, chloe, alicia and baley!
that bitch zelda went too. (she bit sa when we were in P1..:(...) ahaha!
SO...the pics will come soon, cause alicia will send them to me...another word..
THANK U ALESSANDRA PANIZZA! ahahha, best buddy!