Saturday, June 21, 2008

Today was ok, umm, well, lets see, I woke up at 5 something 2day cause of dumb shit jetlag and umm, I awoke to see cat puke on the 2nd floor, which totally sucked cause I had to clean it up, urgh, got some on my hands, looked like beef redang with lots of milk...URGH, hate thinking about it!!!

I had 2 do work 2day, like 1 science paper and another math one in the afternoon, education sucks, when I'm presidant one day, I'll like stop education and the weekend will be on mondays till fridays and school days will be saturdays and sundays, and school hours will be like 2 hrs!! Then everyone will be dumb and totally brain damaged just like me!! Nah just kidding!! LOL...

After the HW, watched like 3 Hannah Montana episodes on youtube, umm, my dad was napping, and he was like "no computer that much from now on wards!!" OOPPPS, caught a little carried away, sorry dadddy!!!

I dunno what I am gonna do now...My dad said we might go to the american club library later, well, much much later, cause he sleeps for like 6 hrs if he's really tired, those are my free hours!!!

So anyways, I'm gonna make myself some crackers and melted cheese!! OHHH!! Yummy Yummy!!!
