Thursday, June 26, 2008

Haven't posted in a while so heres what i've been doin

I haven't updated 4 a long time, which makes me a bad blogger!?!? haha, no, just 2 busy with stuff, everythings been soo jumbled up, my grandma from perth is here, and no fence la, but she's always telling me to eat slowly, and you know, i hate disapointing her, so I just take small mouthfuls 2 keep her happy, but I just stare eagerly at my food, wantin' 2 gobble it all up!!!

The Jonas Brothers (sigh, <3>

I dont know what 2 write, cause these few days have been boring boring, and like you dont wanna write it all down or its no use, man, school seriously sucks, and I dont know if i hate OR like my teacher sometimes, like she's so nice sometimes but then she gets all moody, and screams at us if we dont answer her questions, jeez lady, calm down will ya?

I'm tooooooooo busy looking at JB (jonas brothera) pics to write, anyways, like I've written down everything already!!!!!!!!

Ok, wait, one thing, I'm to full and sooooo tired, cause me, my dad and corey were watching chanel E and we were drinking coke and nacho chips, (cheese flavour, WOO HOO) it's 10.15 and my eyes feel droopy, infact, I'll overthink the fact about reading.....

night night boring old world, how's Mars doing???? Jupiter??? Mecury??? Ok, I'll stop now...LOL..